According to as slipped out by some confidential documents sent by Microsoft to the manufacturing principals of Pc, the firm it would be prepared to launch a program aimed to stimulate the use of Windows XP inside the ultra computers low-cost (ULPC), embanking the general tendency of the producers to install to their inside you systematize alternative what Linux.According to as slipped out by some confidential documents sent by Microsoft to the manufacturing principals of Pc, the firm it would be prepared to launch a program aimed to stimulate the use of Windows XP inside the ultra computers low-cost (ULPC), embanking the general tendency of the producers to install to their inside you systematize alternative what Linux. Whence to avoid that the cars ULPC endowed with XP can interfere inside the normal market of the personal computer, the offer it will only be applicable to the Pc that introduce precise limits hardware.The market of the lower part computer cost is in constant growth, with over 20 new producers attended within the next six months; the same Microsoft declares in the document to foresee the sale of 10-13 million new unities within the end of the year. Sees the propensity from many producers to install Linux inside their cars (with the precise objective to avoid the costs for the licenses, limiting so the final cost of the device), Microsoft it intends to offer Windows XP Home Edition to the emergent markets what China and India to alone 26 dollars, while as it regards the developed markets, as for instance the United States, the price will be of 32 dollars.With the purpose to avoid that such machine can interfere inside the market of the normal computers endowed with Windows it Approves, Microsoft has rather imposed some restrictive limitations to the manufacturing intenzionatis to take advantage of the offer: the computers won't owe in fact to have more than 1 Gb of ram and faster processors (single core) of 1 Ghz. Exception will be made for some chips, among which the processors Street Technologies C7-M with speed between 1 Ghz and 1,6GHz and the future Atom N270.
4 commenti:
In pratica dice che Microsoft cerca di scongiurare l'utilizzo di Linux all'interno dei computer a basso costo offrendo Windows XP Home ad un prezzo estremamente contenuto, ma solamente se le macchine sottostanno a precisi limiti hardware.
In pratica dice che Microsoft cerca di scongiurare l'utilizzo di Linux all'interno dei computer a basso costo offrendo Windows XP Home ad un prezzo estremamente contenuto, ma solamente se le macchine sottostanno a precisi limiti hardware.
Bah.....la soluzione credo che sia solo una fatwa fatta da un certo personaggio dell'oltretomba.... http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhollah_Khomeyni
Ci liberera' da Micro$oft ???
Mortacci loro !!!!
Zio ho sistemato, che ne dici, va bene adesso?
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